What kinds of texture and prints are supported on Fluid?
Supported Product Categories for Fluid
Solid garments with detail - for example this jacket worked perfectly (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/c8bf533b39f9b00/balzacoutput-11iudghr.png =300x300)
Placement Prints (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/c8bf533b39f9b00/shot-on-71comq1d.jpg =300x374)
Placement print with 5% fixing in post (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/c8bf533b39f9b00/shot-on-51nzrh7g.jpg =300x374)
Bags work better ifFew readersInput image guidelines for Fluid
To ensure the best possible results for your, here are some guidelines when adding your products:
Number of input images: A minimum of three images showcasing a variety of poses. This allows you to select the pose that most closely matches your own for the try-on.
Lighting: Bright, even lighting is essential. Use either studio lighting or outdoor lighting with a high-contrast or white backdrop.
Resolution: Images must be at least 1K resolution.
Garment preparation: TFew readersSupported Product Categories on Fluid
Supported Fluid Categories
Garment is built and focused on garment and apparel categories. It works well for solids, large prints and placement prints.
Fine detailed prints, ribbed textures, denim may not work the best. We recommend using click for these types of products. Read more about types of garments supported here
Shoes, Bags and Accessories
These products also work well in Fluid, but have similFew readersWhat other categories work in Fluid?
Cars work very well but require you to train a custom model, contact us (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/c8bf533b39f9b00/product-78c15hs.jpg =300x203) Blenders work with just "try on", no need to train a model, budget some retouching for sure. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/c8bf533b39f9b00/product-8urip41.jpg =300x203)Few readers