Articles on: Fluid

Product Accuracy in Fluid with Try On Layer

How to achieve maximum product accuracy in Fluid with Try On

Hey, you're here to create imagery of your own products that are up for sale.

Deceptively simple, yet mastering the try on tool is the key to getting the most out of Fluid and high accuracy on your products.

Drawing a Mask vs Class Name

When to draw the mask manually
Auto mask is not working correctly, the product does not change.
Try drawing a mask manually which is slightly larger around the edges to give the AI a bit more freedom to correctly add the product

The boundaries of your product are wrong.
For example the dress should be knee length but the generated dress is shorter.

The face, hands or other details are changing.
The automated mask may be including the face hands or other details that you do not want to change

How to draw the mask manually

Do not draw over hands or toes, this can distort the hands and toes and will require manual correction later

Do not draw a very large mask as this can cause a 'halo' effect with a different background color.

Selecting a Product Image

Select a product image with a pose that is most similar to the pose and the framing of the generated image. The fewer changes the AI has to make, the more accurate the product will be.

Verify your Product is segmented(masked) correctly

When you hover over the product image you will see an outline of the garment, this should be just the item without the person or mannequin. If this seems incorrect the product category might be incorrect or the AI has been unable to identify the product within the image.

This image will need to be editing manually from the products page. It will not work unless this is fixed.

Adding Multiple Products to the same Image

You can click on the name of the product to show a dropdown. You can select a new product from the dropdown and the images of that product will show up. You can mix and match different products in the same image!

Updated on: 12/03/2025

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